Author - Don Pogreba

Don Pogreba is a current writer and retired teacher of English, Social Studies and Debate, and a loyal, if often sad, fan of the San Diego Padres and Portland Timbers. When he is not traveling, he is working on his classroom web site or dreaming about another adventure.

Start with What is Right…

On my first day to Bratislava, I took a free tour of the city conducted by Free Tours Bratislava, and when you visit the city, I can’t recommend it enough. Our guide was excellent, not only discussing the landmarks and history of the city, but providing an excellent history of Slovakia’s complex political evolution from its origins...

Thoughts on Prague: A Raid on the Inarticulate

Especially after ending my trip on a lovely, late, moonlit stroll through a park and a neighborhood filled with bars and cafes, punctuated by the deeply disturbing image of gigantic babies appearing to climb a 216 meter TV tower and the appearance of the Giant Rats of the Žižkov District, I find trying to summarize my visit to this...

A Brief List of Things I Have Learned on My Trip Thus Far

With over two months passed and only about three weeks left, I was thinking about some of the lessons I’ve learned on this trip. I’m getting closer to returning to Helena, and it’s hard not to think about Eliot’s idea that travel will make home new once more. He wrote, “we shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our...

You Choose With Whom You Walk

One of the things you’ll hear people on the Camino talk about a great deal is the strange and wonderful way you meet and find yourself talking with people from all walks of life during the journey. Yesterday morning, after what was my hardest day on the Camino, spent almost entirely alone in the rain, I walked back 100 meters or so to...