Author - Don Pogreba

Don Pogreba is a current writer and retired teacher of English, Social Studies and Debate, and a loyal, if often sad, fan of the San Diego Padres and Portland Timbers. When he is not traveling, he is working on his classroom web site or dreaming about another adventure.

On the Linguistic Inadequacy of the Word “Travel”

Even as I begin to catalog the series of frustrating events that were my travel day yesterday, I recognize life could be profoundly worse than hopping on a plane from Porto and ending up in a quirky, suburban hotel near Amsterdam. That caveat noted, what I did realize yesterday was that the word “travel” seems problematically imprecise...

A Few Things I Won’t Miss About Portugal

Since tomorrow’s post is going to be a saccharine love letter about how smitten I am with Porto specifically and Portugal in general, I thought I should clear the deck with an admission that there are a few things I won’t miss about the country when I leave tomorrow. In total, these things I won’t miss are approximately 0.4% of my...

A Proper Castle!

Prepared to be shocked, but when I was a kid, I was a bit of a nerd. One of my favorite series of books was a collection by David Macaulay with specific titles like Castle, Pyramid, Cathedral. I suspect if one were to look through the records of the library at Lockwood Elementary and Middle School, s/he would see that I still hold the...

Yes, Lagos is “Touristic.” Yes, It’s Wonderful

It’s fashionable to mock places and experiences that are “touristic,” a word I am loathe to believe is real. You’ll often hear travelers in the same line you’re in deriding a place as touristic. It’s undoubtedly true that there are unfortunate excesses in many tourist locales: trinkets and faux authenticity...

Finding A Little Common Language

My Spanish is laughable and entirely inadequate. It’s so limited that I couldn’t write that last sentence, only a sad approximation of it. Four years of high school Spanish and two years of intermittent attention in college have left me with a random collection of vocabulary words and the ability to speak in broken present tense and only...

One Day, Two Nights in Madrid

Madrid is a city for the young at night, and I am an old man who typically explores during the day. But it’s a great city, and I am glad that I had a brief stopover there on my way to Portugal. I arrived late (after midnight) at my Airbnb in central Madrid after a somewhat comical series of delays and errors in my flight from Reykjavik...