A recommendations post will follow in the next few days.

The weather was certainly gray and snowy for most of my trip through Cappadocia, but the overcast conditions only served to make the moments of vibrant blue skies even more beautiful. The weather prevented me from experiencing one of the iconic hot air balloon trips, but I had an incredible experience exploring underground cities, thousand year-old churches...
My second (and last) day in Cappadocia ended with a visit to a carpet collective, where women are trained to produce Turkish rugs and tourists like me are shown the process before watching a salesman and his staff throw down a couple of dozen rugs to entice us to buy. Once the assembled group realized that I was unlikely to throw down $1,100 on one of the more...
I have to admit that my first impressions of Cappadocia were not that positive. After an excellent hour-long flight from Istanbul which teased with sunny and clear skies, we landed at the Nevşehir Airport, which makes the airport in Helena seem both large and crowded. There was some snow on the ground, and a gray pall in the sky, neither of which lifted all day. I...