Author - Don Pogreba

Don Pogreba is a current writer and retired teacher of English, Social Studies and Debate, and a loyal, if often sad, fan of the San Diego Padres and Portland Timbers. When he is not traveling, he is working on his classroom web site or dreaming about another adventure.

Boys and books

In the climate of No Child Left Behind and bitter recriminations about the failure of public schools, Richard Whitmire offers a critical look at one of the largest issues facing school: the gender achievement gap. The statistics he cites from the Department of Education are sobering: Nearly every chart told the same story. Boys are over...

Education Achievement Gap? Why Bother?

Dan Seligman, who seems to delight in pathologizing the poor, writes in a new piece for that attempting to close the gap in achievement between disadvantaged and middle/upper class kids is is a waste of time, because it’s impossible to achieve. He writes: It is not possible to close the achievement gap. The mission...

Poor Analysis of No Child Left Behind in the Washington Post

“Gifted advocate” Susan Goodkin has an interesting, if flawed, criticism of No Child Left Behind in the Washington Post: that it damages the prospects of “our most capable children.” Essentially, Goodkin argues that NCLB forces districts and schools to become so obsessed with improving the scores of low-achieving...