Author - Don Pogreba

Don Pogreba is a current writer and retired teacher of English, Social Studies and Debate, and a loyal, if often sad, fan of the San Diego Padres and Portland Timbers. When he is not traveling, he is working on his classroom web site or dreaming about another adventure.

Playground by Richard Powers

Seven Essential Quotes Fifteen minutes after their brief service, Ina’s daughter was skipping down to the waves again, finding new jewels, as if death by plastic ingestion were just another inscrutable myth, as mysterious as a god huddled up in a spinning egg before the beginning of the world. One continuous war game between the two of...

Photos from the Camino de Santiago, October 2015

Looking at these photos certainly inspires me to return for another Camino, both for the experience of meeting people from all over the world and of taking photographs now that I know how to use a camera. A lot of these are pretty rough, but it’s also fair to say that cellphone camera technology was not quite as good nine years ago...

James by Percival Everett

Seven Essential Quotes As I said it, that wave of fear washed over me again. I might have been better off drowning in the river or freezing to death in the night. One thing was certain: I had to make sure Huck didn’t become the corpse they were looking for. More to the point, I had to make certain I didn’t become the corpse they were...

Monday Morning Mental Mix April 15, 2024

What Really Wrecked Boeing–Neoliberalism is an ideology that attempts to subject all of human activity to the invisible hand of the market, and since 1997, when Boeing acquired rival McDonnell Douglas (and more consequentially, its management), it has been neoliberalism that has guided the company on its decades-long flight from...